Tag: dating

  • The Livability Index: The 35 Best U.S. Cities For People 35 and Under

    The Livability Index: The 35 Best U.S. Cities For People 35 and Under Our semi-exhaustive, mostly scientific guide to America’€™s most livable cities Don’t worry guys, Baltimore didn’t make the cut. One of the criteria is “Highest Percentage Of Young Single People” which if we’re having “real talk” is actually a criteria I look at…

  • What I Learned In Business School: Cognitive Barriers & Relationships

    A cognitive barrier is something that prevents a user from performing the action required to complete his goal. (Source) Within Ethics there are a few points I’d like to point out as barriers to relationships that may be overlooked: Script Processing – When behavior becomes to routine you no longer really think about it (i.e.…

  • I’m on a bit of a quest to “find myself” which has involved quite a few books & tests, as mentioned a few days back in the post about Myers Briggs. Sorry this post doesn’t involve Harry Potter—but I’d still love any comments/messages/etc. about it! (P.S. – Thanks so much to everyone that commented, especially onespeedgreg,…

  • So I’ve gotten really into Meyers Briggs Type Indicator. The official test has to be proctored in person but there are two tests I found that are very similar: Similar Minds or if you’re a fellow OkCupid-er, they have a test within the site. The real point is, I’ve discovered that my type (ESTJ) is rare…

  • What I Learned In Business School: Marketing & Trust

    Seth Godin made a post recently about “The Trust Brand”. The most important point from the article was: “‘How have you regularly overinvested and prioritized being the most trustworthy organization/individual in your industry?’ Being just like the others and doing your job doesn’t get you to this level.” I’m sure you’re already getting the connection…

  • WHAT I LEARNED IN BUSINESS SCHOOL…Business Ethics & Cheating in Relationships If you start typing in Google, “Why do” the third suggestion is “Why do men cheat?” Of course, cheating is not engendered and women are “closing the gap” on cheating, but the topic is always floating around in any relationship. In Art Wolfe’s The Corporate…

  • Why is the third date so important?

    Well, of course there is the “Third Date Rule” which is hotly debated but I am not here to lecture you or anyone else on when having sex with someone is appropriate or not. What I’m discussing is, what agreeing to a third date entails. Think about it this way? How many first dates have you…

  • THE BALTIMORE RECORD STORE DATE Bring A Date? Pick a neighborhood, unless you know something I don’t, I suggest either Fell’s Point or Hampden as they have the highest number of stores to check out. Your best bet is Saturday early afternoon as some stores have a tendency to be closed whenever they want. Start…

  • So You’re Addicted To Commitment Phobes or: How Gambling & Dating Are Annoyingly Related

    Have you ever read research on what causes gambling addictions? No, only me? Alright, let me break this down for you with the help of a Boston Globe article: “Games of chance prey on this neural system. Consider, for example, the slot machine. You put in a coin and pull the lever. The reels start…

  • THE BRUNCH DATE Say you meet someone out on Friday or Saturday night and you have enough restraint to not go home with them that night (or hey even if you did), the brunch date is an easy follow up! Hopefully you exchanged numbers and/or can stand the sight of the person in the morning.…