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Dating Matters: Relationship health class being taught in Oakland schools
Dating Matters: Relationship health class being taught in Oakland schools I feel like this is a very practical class to have like financial literacy. What do you think about this?
Which Baltimore neighborhood should you call home?
Which Baltimore neighborhood should you call home? I got Charles Village. (via baltimoresun)
Baltimore Dating Event Survey
Baltimore Dating Event Survey Help Charmed & Dangerous plan their next dating event! Hey guys, planning my next event & would love some feedback on what to plan! Only a few questions & they’re all optional.
Dating Without Drinking? | What Weekly Magazine
Dating Without Drinking? | What Weekly Magazine So I ended up out on a date with the guy that sparked the debate about whether a non-drinker is a dealbreaker. I also put together this article with everyone’s insights on the issue over at What Weekly! (p.s. – Sorry for the lack of posts, I was…
Singles in America 2014 | Official Site
Singles in America 2014 | Official Site The 2014 Singles in America study is the fourth annual study on the attitudes and behaviors of over 5,300 singles, conducted by and ResearchNow. The data includes everything from faking it, to guys’ sexting turn-offs, to friends with benefits, and more!