Chuck Palahniuk’s DOOMED TOUR: Baltimore Reading on Oct 11
The internet is filled of Palahniuk fans, so this is an easy sell. The tickets that include a book & a signing are all sold out but General Admission tix are free!
Bring A Date?
Low pressure, free, first date that doesn’t involve alcohol on a Friday night. How easy is that to find? It starts at 7 so if all goes well, you’re already in Mount Vernon and the entire night is ahead of you.
Find A Date?
Chances are, you’ll find people that are able to hold amazing conversations at this event. Since it’s a Friday night, most people in relationships will probably be with their significant others so it’s also easy to spot the singles among the crowd. Plus, how awesome is it to say that you met your significant other at a Chuck Palahniuk screening?
The first rule of dating is…?
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