Author: baltimoredating
Traffic Modifications for the Baltimore Running Festival
The Marathon is this Saturday and your street is probably closed.
Here’s Where Singles Are Actually Looking For Love (And Not A One Night Stand)
“Let’s be real — trying to navigate single life in a world dominated by swiping left or right (ehem, Tinder) can be about as much fun as stabbing yourself in the eye. It’s often hard to tell if people are truly looking for love or are more interested in a one-night stand…” So many dating…
OkCupid’s Data Blog Is Both NSFW and Completely Entertaining – US News
OkCupid’s Data Blog Is Both NSFW and Completely Entertaining – US News Like Facebook, OkCupid is playing mind games with its users. But these are slightly more ethical and a lot funnier. OkCupid Trends have broke their silence in a wonderful way!
For startup firm Heyy, a bet on missed connections
Usually the point of a dating app is to meet someone online. A Baltimore startup wants to help people who already met, or at least saw each other, for a too-brief moment. Would you use “Heyy”?
Facebook Introduces New Way to Flirt With Relationship ‘Ask’ Button
Facebook Introduces New Way to Flirt With Relationship ‘Ask’ Button If you’ve been eyeing someone on Facebook who has their relationship status unlisted, the site is making it easier to find out if they’re single. Is anyone actually going to use this to get a date?
Winner for Black Eyed Susan Day Contest
Winner for Black Eyed Susan Day has been announced (sorry if it wasn’t you) but we JUST got a pair of tickets to InfieldFest also! Here’s how you enter to win: Head over to Twitter & tell us why you’d be the ideal person to live tweet from Preakness all day That’s it. That’s all…
Enter to Win Tickets to Black Eyed Susan Day!
ENTER TO WIN TICKETS TO BLACK EYED SUSAN DAY Remember The Counting Crows? Yeah, his rumor has it the hair was fake but he still dated a bunch of 90s A-Listers. Yeah, the 90s were weird. Oh & The Fray! Yep, they’re still a band and you know you liked that one song. They’re playing too.…