Here’s a step-by-step guide on what to do:
- Pick a neighborhood where the bars are all open… which is pretty much everyone in Baltimore. Bonus points if it’s your neighborhood,
- Put on pajamas or bring pajamas with you.
- Make the person come to you, or go to them (if you have to drive, make sure you go before the snow starts).
- Get food.
- A lot of food.
- And alcohol (and hot chocolate/tea) to go.
- Go back to anywhere with Netflix & a bed.
- Get in the bed. Insert level of physical contact appropriate for the state of your relationship.
- Watch things on Netflix.
- Repeat steps 4 to 9 til the snow stops or until someone falls asleep.
Or you can actually go out in the snow (snowman, snowball fight, sledding, etc.). I don’t have a step by step guide for that because being cold isn’t my idea of a good time. I mean, look at that pic. Go have a blast out there, though, kids!
P.S. – Make some snow icecream!
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