Tag: ottobar
Baltimore: $30 to Spend on Drinks at Ottobar ($15)
Baltimore: $30 to Spend on Drinks at Ottobar ($15) It’s a fixture in the Best of Baltimore awards, winning Best Place to Hear Rock in 2013. Sip your choice of beer, wine, or cocktails at Ottobar and settle back for an entertaining and relaxing evening. * $15 for $30 to spend on beer, wine, and…
2/6 – THE DATING GAME AT OTTOBAR (A REVIEW) I did a bunch of research over the past 3 weeks, so this is installment #2. Cost: FreeTime: 9PM-12AMAges Welcome: 21+Ages Attending: TwentiesNumber of Attendees: ~15Summary:Okay, so the premise is wonderful, it’s based on the old school “Dating Game” game show. One guy, three potential girls.…
OTTOBAR OPENS AT 9PM TOMORROW NIGHT (So does Sticky Rice) Because you’re already sick of your family…
So you’ve decided you don’t want to be in a room of thousands of people for NYE. Good for you! Now that we’ve gotten passed the obvious, here is what the main venues have going on for NYE. Bring A Date?These would make for a low pressure early date (3-5 dates in) if you want to do…
BALTIMORE GIFT IDEAS – PART 1 I’ll try to keep this going or make new posts or something but here’s where I’ll put up the type of gifts I normally buy people because spending money on experiences is the closest you can get to buying happiness. OTTOBAR 2014 SEASON PASS – $90 What? – Unlimited…
THANKSGIVING EVE IN BALTIMORE I spent my Thanksgiving Eve at my parent’s place prepping food because A.) I don’t want to hook up with people from out of town B.) I don’t have an everlasting crush on anyone from high school but if that you’re thing… THANKSGIVING EVE: BULL ROAST AT POWER PLANT LIVE!For $20 you…
If you ever want to determine the status of your relationship (or lack thereof), go to a comedy show and sit in the front row with your date.
At some point, a comedian will inquire. It will get awkward…
Stuff To Do In Baltimore When There’s Nothing Else To Do In Baltimore: Karaoke, Trivia, Comedy Nights & More
STUFF TO DO IN BALTIMORE WHEN THERE’S NOTHING ELSE TO DO IN BALTIMORE (with quick dating tips): Disclaimer: If you haven’t figured it out by now, I tend to hang with a hipster-ish crowd. Not hipster enough to get to get the DIY venues more than a few times a year but just hipster enough…
jmejinxx: How to please your man 101: buy him tickets to things he loves. #happybirthday #iloveyouboo #descendents #filmage #ottobar Edit: thanks to charmedanddangerousblog for the heads up, we had no idea filmage was coming to Baltimore! You made my boy’s birthday even better. This is awesome & the exact reason I made this blog <3
SHIT TO DO IN BALTIMORE ON HALLOWEEN NIGHT (Mostly For Free!) Ottobar – Haunted HouseI’ve gone… well, refused to actually go in because I’m a sissy but my friends enjoyed it. They turn their next door rowhome into a haunted house. There’s also a dance party, drink specials and all this good stuff plus the…