Tag: charts
Which cities have the highest rates of coupling up, according to Facebook?
Which cities have the highest rates of coupling up, according to Facebook? Spoiler alert: You’re less likely to couple up in Baltimore than 34 other cities and DC… yeah, just forget about it. This is exactly what I was going on about regarding Baltimore being named a Top City for Singles. The entire Wall Street…
EXAMPLES:If it’s a first date and my attraction level is a 9, I try to plan a date at least 2.25 miles away from either of our neighborhoods (or at least mine). This is about the distance between Joe Squared Station North & Golden West in Hampden. If it’s a second date and my attraction…
BALTIMORE & OKCUPID So I did a nice unscientific search through OkCupid, the data was compared to the data in my first post. Of course, most are willing to date outside of the city bounds, but the choice to do 5 miles is because it encompasses almost all of Baltimore City and that’s a good…