Tag: twitter
This week in: You should be following me on Twitter. Too many gems, but this tweet sums it up. Also, ICYMI: C&D Presents Dating IRL – A Baltimore Dating Event (RSVP & Invite Your Friends—or don’t if you’re embarrassed to RSVP but you shouldn’t be cause it’s gonna be awesome). Taking submissions for Featured Singles…
Another week in, shit you’re missing out on by not following me on Twitter.
By the way, these are the gems you’re missing if you’re not following me on Twitter. Join in on the fun!
Charmed & Dangerous (BaltimoreDating) on Twitter
Charmed & Dangerous (BaltimoreDating) on Twitter The latest from Charmed & Dangerous (@BaltimoreDating). In honor of the meetup today, I have finally started a Twitter account. Not 100% sure what I’ll post about but now I can join in on the chatting with everyone 🙂
I don’t have a tumblr.. do you tweet?
Currently, no. I often think about starting up one for C&D but I don’t know what I’d even say. Any suggestions as to what I should tweet about? Though live tweeting dates sounds like a blast, that’d be a bit rude…