Tag: questions
What are your thoughts on phone calls & dating?
Is okay to call just to chat? Is it okay to call & say hi? Is it only okay when making plans? Is it never okay? Does it depend on length of dating time? Your answers might be featured in my next article—please include your age if you’d like (If you answered last week about…
Okay, so is Short Term Dating & Friends With Benefits basically the same thing?
Or am I missing some nuances here?
What are your thoughts on side girls? As in you have a girlfriend who you really do love and care about and want to be with and treats you awesome, but you still have that urge to chase and physically be with other women.
Answered this question over on What Weekly: http://whatweekly.com/2014/02/12/urban-dating-side-dishes/
OKCupid’s Hardest Questions Let’s talk about these three OkCupid questions: How do you feel about falling in love? About how long do you want your next relationship to last? If you had to name your greatest motivation in life thus far, what would it be? These three questions stress me the fuck out. Seriously. I…
How are you so brave with online dating? I’m always scared that someone in real life will recognize me or that my bosses will find my profile. How did you get to be so open about doing online dating?
I answered this question over on What Weekly! Check it out: http://whatweekly.com/2014/02/06/bravery-and-dating/
Is it hard to look past all the creeps sometimes and keep doing online dating?
I think I’m too busy messaging guys I’d rather be talking to than being concerned with creeps. The block button exists for a reason, though I rarely have to use it. Maybe I just luck out? I think the dating process, as a whole, is much harder and more discouraging than insignificant people that may…
I’m so upset I can’t go to your dating event! (I’m really sick). Will you have more in the future?
Aww, I hope you feel better! I really would like to have some more events. Having more depends entirely on how many people show up tonight, though, so tell some friends to come in your place 😉
So, I am 21 and I live I’m baltimore. This year, I really wAnt to go out more, meet new people and even go on those things called dates. None of my friends seem to want to go out with me! Is it stupid and unsafe to go out alone? x
Hey girl, I know the feeling! You’ve got some options: 1. First of all, I have to extend an invitation to my dating event: www.baltimore-dating.com/datingIRL, it’ll be a lot of fun & a good way to meet new friends or a date! 2. You can make some new friends: Go out with co-workers, if you’re comfortable…
Say you’re a single twenty-something who is, in all likelihood, boyfriend material — but you aren’t actually interested in any kind of relationship. Is it morally questionable to be on dating sites, or to date in general when you’re in that headspace? I’m up front about where I’m at, but it still feels strange for some reason.
Answered this question over at What Weekly, check it out! Submit questions to hey@charmed-and-dangerous.com or anonymously at baltimore-dating.com/ask!
happy birthday! how old are you?
Old enough to drink & young enough to sound moderately impressive when I tell people I’m finishing my MBA this year. P.S. – I thought I told you to RSVP to my event instead 😉