Tag: mba

  • WHAT I LEARNED IN BUSINESS SCHOOL: STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Calculate Your Predicted Age of First Marriage: http://charmed-and-dangerous.com/marriage

  • WHAT I LEARNED IN BUSINESS SCHOOL: PREDICTING AGE OF 1ST MARRIAGE FOR SINGLE HETEROSEXUAL WOMEN IN THE UNITED STATES (How To Do Statistical Analysis) If you’re viewing from the dashboard, press play & you should be able to edit the 2nd column. If you’re unable to, you can view the full Excel here. As you may…

  • WHAT I LEARNED IN BUSINESS SCHOOL: How to make bell curves… So it’s been established that I go on a lot of dates. At my peak, I went on about 10 first dates in a month. I plotted my findings. Obviously, the more dates you go on, the less excited you are about each one… I…

  • What I Learned In Business School: Cognitive Barriers & Relationships

    A cognitive barrier is something that prevents a user from performing the action required to complete his goal. (Source) Within Ethics there are a few points I’d like to point out as barriers to relationships that may be overlooked: Script Processing – When behavior becomes to routine you no longer really think about it (i.e.…

  • What I Learned In Business School: Marketing & Trust

    Seth Godin made a post recently about “The Trust Brand”. The most important point from the article was: “‘How have you regularly overinvested and prioritized being the most trustworthy organization/individual in your industry?’ Being just like the others and doing your job doesn’t get you to this level.” I’m sure you’re already getting the connection…

  • WHAT I LEARNED IN BUSINESS SCHOOL…Business Ethics & Cheating in Relationships If you start typing in Google, “Why do” the third suggestion is “Why do men cheat?” Of course, cheating is not engendered and women are “closing the gap” on cheating, but the topic is always floating around in any relationship. In Art Wolfe’s The Corporate…