Tag: census data

  • WHAT I LEARNED IN BUSINESS SCHOOL: STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Calculate Your Predicted Age of First Marriage: http://charmed-and-dangerous.com/marriage

  • WHAT I LEARNED IN BUSINESS SCHOOL: PREDICTING AGE OF 1ST MARRIAGE FOR SINGLE HETEROSEXUAL WOMEN IN THE UNITED STATES (How To Do Statistical Analysis) If you’re viewing from the dashboard, press play & you should be able to edit the 2nd column. If you’re unable to, you can view the full Excel here. As you may…

  • Zillow’s “In The Move For Love” Tables are pretty impressive as is the corresponding blog post.

  • BALTIMORE & OKCUPID So I did a nice unscientific search through OkCupid, the data was compared to the data in my first post. Of course, most are willing to date outside of the city bounds, but the choice to do 5 miles is because it encompasses almost all of Baltimore City and that’s a good…

  • The Livability Index: The 35 Best U.S. Cities For People 35 and Under

    The Livability Index: The 35 Best U.S. Cities For People 35 and Under Our semi-exhaustive, mostly scientific guide to America’€™s most livable cities Don’t worry guys, Baltimore didn’t make the cut. One of the criteria is “Highest Percentage Of Young Single People” which if we’re having “real talk” is actually a criteria I look at…

  • Dating in Baltimore by the Numbers | Create infographics [View Full Chart] If we’re going to discuss dating in Baltimore, best to get a grasp on the numbers. I’ve put together a little infograph with Census data to understand just how many fish are in the sea. So here’s where the percentage of Baltimore singles…