Farmer’s Markets


One thing I love about Baltimore is the farmers markets.  

There are two within walking distance of where I live, one under the JFX that has tons of produce, lots of ready-made/to-order food, and a bunch of hand-crafted stuff.  For our last anniversary, my girlfriend bought me a hand-made olive oil drizzler and artisan olive oil from there.  I’ve gotten some of the best bread of my life there as well as the best lemonade I’ve ever had (from Adel at the Neopol stand).

I used to live one block away from the Saturday 32nd Street Farmers Market, notable because it stays open year round.  There’s another market up at Loyola (I think on Wednesdays) and apparently this one on Thursdays.  There are others in the county as well.  With that and all the CSAs around, it’s very easy to get fresh locally-grown produce, meats, and other products at a very affordable price.

Also there’s the Arabbers, but I have yet to buy anything from them.

I’ve been meaning to make a Farmer’s Market post. This one is good. So read it. I’ve been on a Farmer’s Market date (with an asshole). The date was pretty adorable. We sat on the curb and ate Dangerously Delicious Pies and people watched. This was the one under the JFX. Best part about a Farmer’s Market date is you can pick out food to cook together for lunch or dinner.

In terms of picking up a date, I’d roll with it similar to peeking into someone’s grocery cart to see if they’re single. Use your brain & act accordingly. Meeting someone that early in the morning gives you time to go home, take a nap, get changed and arrive your beautiful self that night.

A full list of Farmer’s Markets in the area can be found here.


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