Oh man, I love film festivals. Movie dates aren’t ideal for first dates but they’re pretty great in combination with other activities or as a date later on. Hopkins’ Film Fest spans 4 days—3 on campus & Thursday night at The Charles.
Bring A Date?
This is a no-brainer—they’ve got dinner & a movie lined up for you already! Directly from the Film Fest website:
Come to The Lost City Diner with your ticket post-screening for our dinner-and-a-movie special! Receive either a Starboy Hamburger Platter with French Fries and Rootbeer Float for just $10 OR half off a milkshake or appetizer when you present your ticket from Buffalo ‘66!
Find A Date?
$20 gets you a festival pass (excluding Buffalo ‘66) so you can get yourself two passes, grab the prettiest guy or gal in line and treat them to a movie. I think if you play your cards right you can use this tactic at least twice throughout the festival! You can get fancy and head to Getrude’s between films or get very unfancy and head over to The Dizz.
Movies with smart kids
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